Marquez Reed bloody shame Frances Heinsohn English 2210-019 10/10/10 Midterm naval division 2- #6 Hear Me Roar Wo work force in the 18th century were considered domesticated objects for mens use and enjoyment. A woman learning in the 18th century was considered a social faux pas and she would be shunned a personal manner and criticized as being an instigator by society. It was not until the mid to late 18th century that women such as Judith Sargent Murray and Mary Wollenstonecraft begin to fight this injustice with many publications demanding equation from society. Judith Sargent Murray and Mary Wollstonecraft shared ideals, beliefs, and agendas, but each woman approaches the subtle subject of the equality in a diametrical way and tone. For example, Judith Sargent Murray uses a poem as the introduction to her credit line and story. On the other hand, Mary Wollstonecraft uses a biography of her life to candid up her argument and story. Both women appear to believe rulingly in the virtues that equate women to men in society. Murrary and Wollstonecraft are wear thin of men only perceiving them as meek feminine housewives and mistresses that the men feel they can impose and take advantage of.

Judith Sargent Murray and Mary Wollenstonecraft make properly points for the equality of women using two different writing techniques and tones. Judith Sargent Murray appeals to a radical and broader audience with a powerful poem and treatise, while Mary Wollenstencraft appears to the everyday woman, who is stuck in a domesticated world with a short biography and powerful treatise. Judith Sargent Murray uses the poem at the beginning of her argument to create a base for her argument. The tone in the poem before her argument is her pleading for society to give her a chance to ornament her intelligence and competence to perform at an equal train set by men in society. Murray warns that women willing not be suppressed forever and that one day; they will be able to prove their knowledge and ability to be equal to the... If you want to get a full essay, dedicate it on our website:
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